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SDR Scientific

Contact: Simon Rushworth
Address 206 / 354 Eastern Valley Way Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia Phone: 02 9882 2882 Website:


Q: What is a FIAlyzer?

A: The FIAlyzer by FIAlab is a well-established brand in North America water analysis markets and is rapidly gaining momentum here with major laboratories across Australia and New Zealand. Common applications include the analysis of inorganics or nutrients in water, wastewater, drinking water and soil.

Key benefits of the FIAlyzer-1000 include:

  • High Throughput: analysing up to 250 samples per hour, per channel – saves time
  • Small Footprint: conserves your valuable bench space
  • Spectrometer: broadens your sample concentration range, reduces noise and collect more valuable data
  • Reliability through advanced design: means that you spend less time and money on repairs and maintenance
  • Minimise your Reagent Consumption: saves money and reduces waste
  • Turnkey Approach: installation and introductory training is included in your purchase

About SDR Scientific: Established more than 35 years ago, SDR Scientific is a diversified distributor of quality scientific and laboratory equipment. SDR Scientific is proud to be authorised distributor for FIAlab in Australia and New Zealand…providing you with the best in both local and global support.

For more information on Flow Injection Analysis, and the benefits of the FIAlyzer, ask your friendly SDR Scientific team member now for more information!

t: 02 9882 2882 / +61 2 9882 2882                  e:            w:


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