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Casino is Australia’s Best H2o

Water from the Casino Water Treatment Plant in NSW has taken out the top prize in WIOA Ixom’s Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia competition. The Casino Water Treatment Plant is run by the Richmond Valley Council, beating the other State competition winners from around the country to win the coveted award. Casino’s water will […]

Awards recognise operators

The Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA) recognised many operational employees for demonstrating excellence in their field in 2021. Awards included: Operator of the Year Yong Operator of the Year Networks/Civil/All Rounder Operator of the Year Best Tasting Tap Water Competition winners Kwatye Cultural Recognition Award Team of the Year Award PASS Award

Robran joins the IDIOTS

Congratulations to Robran Cock who became the 41st Member to be Inducted as a Delegate of the Inextricably Obstructed Tap Society. The Award recognises members for their commitment to the vision and philosophies of WIOA and their active promotion of the Association. Robran has been a regular MC at conference dinners, taste tests, and other events. […]

COVID-19 impact continues in 2021

The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Australia created highly uncertain circumstances for households, businesses and governments. Prior to COVID-19, concepts such as “lockdowns,” “mask mandates” and “social distancing” were unknown to most of us. Today they are part of our everyday language as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact all aspects of our lives. […]


WIOA shortlisted as a finalist

WIOA is a finalist in the Associations Forum – 2021 Association Awards that recognise excellence and accomplishment by associations. We submitted our first ever entry into these awards for the Best Tasting Tap Water campaign that has been a great success in 2022, highlighted by the Gold medal win at the international competition. The Association […]

EOI – WIOA Diversity & Inclusion Group

Members are invited to submit an expression of interest for consideration for a position on the Diversity & Inclusion Group. Expressions of interest close Friday 10 December 2021. Successful nominees confirmed by Friday 17 December 2021. We look forward to working with the Diversity & Inclusion Group to deliver even more services for our Members […]


Certification evolves to Registration

The national Drinking Water Operator Certification Framework originally adopted name “Certification” as it most accurately reflected the needs of the water industry at the time. Over time, there has been confusion over the term as it relates to Certificates awarded as a qualification on completion of Vocational Education and Training. Individuals hold a qualification, for […]

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New Dates for Victorian Conference

Due to the COVID restrictions, WIOA has postponed the Victorian conference in Bendigo. This conference will now be held on Wednesday 24 & Thursday 25 November 2021. We will draw advice and information provided by both Federal and State government authorities. WIOA is committed to implementing all recommended precautions from Health authorities, and will encourage […]