Contact: Bill Cuthbertson
Address: PO Box 154 Mareeba Queensland 4880 Australia
Phone: 07 4043 4670
Website: http://www.trc.qld.gov.au
A Division of Tablelands Regional Council
The Tablelands region is an area covering 64,768 square kilometres of diverse landscapes including world heritage rainforests and crater lakes, expansive savannahs and wetlands, along with a variety of rural and agricultural farming.
Located in Far North Queensland, extending west of Port Douglas, Cairns and Innisfail, there are several major towns including Atherton, Kuranda, Malanda, Ravenshoe, Mareeba, Yungaburraand Herberton. Smaller towns are Mt Garnet, Dimbulah, Chillagoe, Mt Molloy, Millaa Millaa, Julatten, Tolga and Walkamin .
The population of 42,196 is dispersed across this large, geographically diverse region which is slightly larger than the land mass of Tasmania.
Across the region there are 20 water supply schemes. The source of water varies from rivers, creeks, bores, dams and lakes. All schemes have chlorination with the exception of Mt Garnet. Their water is sourced from the Herbert River, using an 11 kilometre delivery main, and is treated in town using a small micro filtration plant.
Daily testing ensures reporting and quality standards are maintained and risks identfied quickly, such as E. Coli levels.
Water treatment plants are located at Dimbulah, Johnstone River Estate, Kuranda, Malanda, Mareeba, Millaa Millaa, Mt Garnet, Yungaburra. Mt Molloy is a declared ‘non-potable’ water supply and as such has no treatment or disinfection.