Our Networks

The WIOA Strategic Plan has 2 strategic pillars in 2024, Digitisation and Stakeholder Engagement. As we make an active investment in visiting our members and having face to face discussions, the feedback theme that is being provided is meaningful and specific connection, resulting in new networks being formed:

Women in Water Operations

A network to establish a national network of mentors, collaborators and advocates to build an industry culture that empowers and celebrates women while working to reduce barriers and make water operations an attractive, viable and visible career path for everyone.


A network of retired water industry professionals, with centuries of experience, keen to connect and share learnings with new water industry personal, and support where possible, short term resourcing gaps. Learn more about this program and express your interest here.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) network

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) network – designed to support the technology and communications link between our operations staff and the assets they manage.

Executive / General Manager Operations Network

Designed to connect the strategic element of water operations from across the country.

Interested in joining one of our networks?

If you'd like to learn more about our networks or express your interest in joining, please contact us.

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