Tony Hourigan was a friend to everyone at WIOA. He was a gentleman, a fierce advocate for what WIOA stood for, an honest and considerate person and a mentor to many. There are not many photos of Tony in the archives because he put everyone else first. His greatest satisfaction was seeing others achieving and being recognised. Tony will be sadly missed by the WIOA Board, Committees, members, exhibitors and volunteers who shared time with him.
Tony could be best described as energetic, enthusiastic, honest, loyal, compassionate, humble, fair, inquisitive, personable, with a good dose of creative ingenuity. Since becoming ill some 22 months ago, we must add strength, courage and bravery to the list.
It seems that Tony had been an exhibitor at WIOA events for ever, with his caring and sharing personality and professional attitude. That all changed in 2007 when WIOA created WIOA LTD, a company limited by guarantee so that we could operate on a national basis. There was a requirement to nominate 4 founding members to become the inaugural directors. Tony was approached to fill 1 of the positions and instantly agreed. Tony brought a wealth of experience to the Board from his corporate activities, plain common sense and knowing what is right and what is wrong.
At the time Tony was working as a sales manager for a chemical dosing manufacturer. He was dressed to impress as he always was when “on the clock”. His product knowledge was amazing, and he was surely a man who not only knew what the products did, but exactly how they did it.
He treated everyone with equal respect, no question was off limits and his explanations were always on point. He addressed everyone he met with the same enthusiasm and willingness to listen, be they CEO, manager or labourer. At the WIOA conferences, Tony engaged with everyone and wanted to know their story. He loved to hear of people doing well and celebrated their success with further encouragement.
Tony’s involvement with AWWOA, WIOA and Water Industry
- 1998 Joined WIOA in April
- Assisted in the formative days of WIOA in NSW & QLD by
volunteering as a conference and event helper - Regular attendee at seminars and events and did several presentations
on the maintenance and operation of chlorination systems - Instrumental in establishing and helping to promote WIOA’s position and standing within the Tasmanian and the Australian water industry
- Assisted by mentoring and encouraging the various Tasmanian Advisory Committee Chairs and Committee Members being a sounding board for them to bounce their ideas off
- Assisted in the formative days of WIOA in NSW & QLD by
- Early 1990s Involved with WIOA in Victoria as an exhibitor at the conferences. Helped to promote the conference widely and encouraged operator attendance through his roles with companies such as Acromet, Alldos, Grundfos, Aeramix, Hydramet and TRILITY.
- 2004 Recognised as one of 5 Inaugural IDIOTS members
- 2006 Attended and assisted with the inaugural NZ tour
- 2007 Became a WIOA Ltd Member
- 2007 to 2016 WIOA Board member for 10 consecutive years
- 2009 Co-author of WIOA’s Disinfection Practical Guide book
- 2010 Inaugural member of WIOA’s Tasmanian Advisory Committee. Has provided continual service to now – a total of 13 years, rarely missing a meeting or a WIOA event in Tasmania
- Since 2010 Assisted with the organisation and staging of nearly every event held in Tasmania under the WIOA banner
As one of the 4 founding members of WIOA LTD, Tony helped drive the early expansion and commercialisation of the organisation from a Victorian based entity, to what is now a national body with over 4000 members across every state and territory.
He volunteered his time and energy freely and willingly, while as a director he demonstrated an excellent business acumen. He participated in WIOA in many ways, from the board to ground roots, chairing the inaugural Tasmanian Advisory Committee. Always promoting the purpose of WIOA with passion and positivity.
He freely shared his technical knowledge through being a lead author of the WIOA Practical Guide to the Operation and Optimisation of Chlorine and Chloramine Disinfection.
His contribution to the industry through his efforts with WIOA and his day to day employment has been exceptional, and his wisdom and jovial nature has embodied the WIOA spirit and core values 150%.
This has been recognised by the association, with Tony being awarded a Life membership in 2023, and having been “Inducted as a Delegate of the Inextricably Obstructed Tap Society in 2004. (IDIOTS) a title bestowed on those with us most dedication and commitment to the cause.
On a lighter note.
A highlight of his creative ingenuity, innovation, marketing skills and ability to think outside the box was demonstrated at a WIOA Conference. He came up with a brilliant way to showcase the innovative advancements with the modern digital dosing pump. Come time for pre-dinner drinks, he ensured he had a meals area front row exhibition stand, then set up his classy new dosing pumps to deliver a set 30ml volume at the press of a button.
He then primed each pump (4 or 5 from memory) with a variety of drinks; vodka, scotch, gin, rum and perhaps even a bit of tequila. As you could imagine, he attracted quite the crowd and everyone was impressed, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an exhibition stand attract the foot traffic he got in WIOA’s history.
Unfortunately, it only lasted one conference. There were a few legalities like liquor licensing laws and responsible serving of alcohol regulations that caught up with him. Which he naturally took on the chin, while mischievously grinning and chuckling about the fact he got it through once! His unique exhibition display is still talked about today.
Tony had a passion for supporting, encouraging and mentoring people to be who they are, and where they are today. Those that knew Tony are thankful to have had the privilege of sharing such amazing times with him.
Tony had a truly positive outlook on everything, even while going through his treatment process. He had an aging VW Kombi Van that he restored and took across to the mainland for a trip through Gippsland and up to Coffs Harbour. Despite having numerous mechanical issues, he completed the trip and visited friends and family on the way. Tony was actively contributing to WIOA within the last 2 weeks of his life. Knowing Tony, he would have felt obligated to do his part as usual. He also somehow found the time and energy to undertake a 7 day walk cross the Overlander Track from Cradle Mountain to lake Sinclair Tasmania, and even completed the Burney 10, a 10 km fun run while undergoing treatment. There are also recent photos of Tony really enjoying a jam session with his beloved band members. Music was a big part of Tony’s life, although not as big as his love and devotion to his wife Louise and son James, to whom we offer our sincerest condolences and best wishes.
For many, Tony will be very sadly missed, but he will also be joyfully remembered forever.