IXOM provides competency-based training courses relating to chemical use within the water industry. These courses are designed to be focused on the safe handling and storage of hazardous chemicals to ensure operator safety and for the organisation to meet its legislated work health and safety training requirements.
Ixom’s training programs are based on our 80+ years’ experience of manufacturing and supplying hazardous chemicals into industry in Australia and New Zealand.
The benefit and aim of our training programs is to:
- Reduce customer risk profiles by ensuring your personnel work from a “Knowledge Base” rather than “No Knowledge base.”
- Provide training that is competency based where required.
- Know how chemicals behave under certain conditions and how to use them safely.
- Meet your work environment applications.
- Meet your regulatory obligations and needs.
The courses we deliver are designed in primarily in two Levels (Awareness, Operator) to meet the specific needs of the operators and their organisations. Site specific procedures, such as connection and disconnection for chlorine gas containers and emergency response procedures, are reviewed prior to the training delivery to ensure that the training programs are customer and site specific as much as possible.
Chlorine Gas Awareness (Level 1) and Safe Use and Emergency Response (Level 2)
Chlorine Gas Installation Maintenance (Level 2)
Sodium Hypochlorite Awareness (Level 1) and Safe Use and Emergency Response (Level 2)
Corrosives Awareness (Level 1) and Safe Use and Emergency Response (Level 2)
Corrosives Installation Maintenance (Level 2)
Fluoride Awareness (Level 1) and Safe Use and Emergency Response (Level 2)
WH&S Risk Management (Chemicals)
Chlorine Emergency Response Plans (Desktop and Field Exercise)
IXOM’s Chlorine Safe Use and Emergency Response course can also be RPL’d into NWPTRT007 Monitor and operate liquefied chlorine gas disinfection processes via a third-party RTO.
IXOM also run installation auditing programs covering chlorine gas and corrosives that are designed to assess against current relevant standards (AS2927, AS3780). These audits produce a list of recommendations to meet the standards and, where appropriate, ensure that risks are managed ‘so far as reasonably practicable’ (sfarp). The requirement to have risks managed from a sfarp perspective underpins all current state based WHS and OHS Regulations.
If you wish to find out more detail regarding the programs please contact our training administrator at [email protected]