SA Awards

The following awards are presented annually at the SA conference. WIOA welcomes all members to nominate themselves for the awards below.

SA Operator of the Year

Sponsored by the Department for Energy & Mining

This is the most prestigious award presented to operations staff in the South Australian Water industry annually.  The award is presented to operators of network systems or water or wastewater treatment facilities to recognise excellent performance, initiative, and all-round attention to detail.

All employers of operators in South Australia to nominate appropriate “operations staff” to be considered for the award.

Award criteria

Nominees should be employed in South Australia and should have direct responsibility for operational decisions within network systems or at community water and wastewater facilities

The following features are taken into account in considering worthy recipients:

  1. Continuing education/training achievement
  2. Overall plant or system management and condition
  3. Demonstrated attention to work, Health and Safety, and other regulatory responsibilities
  4. Initiative and innovation, demonstrating improved treatment and efficiency

The completed applications are judged by an independent panel nominated by the Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA) and the winner of the South Australian Operator of the Year Award will be announced at a WIOA event annually.

The winner receives a perpetual trophy for his or her organisation to keep for 12 months plus a personal trophy to keep permanently.  The winner will also join the WIOA operator delegation on their annual trip to New Zealand to join the study tour and participate in the WIOG NZ operations conference.

Nominees should be employed in South Australia and should have direct responsibility for operational decisions

Best Paper at SA Conference

Sponsored by Control Components

This prize is an open award, with all Paper presenters eligible to win. By using the votes from the paper judges, the presenter with the highest number of votes will receive the Award for the Best Paper at the conference.

Award criteria

Papers & presentations are based on:

  • The content and layout of the written paper;
  • The originality of the ideas portrayed;
  • The use of visual aids during the presentation;
  • The verbal presentation and whether or not the author sticks to the allotted time; and
  • The demeanor of the presenter including how well they answer any questions.

Ixom Best Tasting Tap Water in SA

Sponsored by Ixom

The Ixom Best Tasting Tap Water in South Australia is a fun and exciting way to raise awareness of the quality of SA’s drinking water and to recognise the efforts of local water service providers in delivering valuable water services to their communities.

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