• Events

2024 Queensland Charity Bowls Day in Yandina

  • September 20, 2024

Congratulations to our WIOA Queensland Advisory Committee on another successful Qld Charity Interest Day. Funds raised will go to supporting the WIOA Team’s WaterAid Australia Walk for Water.

We kicked off the day with some informative presentations, followed by our networking lunch and then into the main event, charity bowls at the Yandina Bowls Club.

Congratulations to Team McBerns Gold as the bowling day winners.

Thank you to our Naming Sponsor McBerns Innovative Solutions, our Gold Sponsors Gympie Regional Council, Pensar Infrastructure, Xylem ANZ and Amiad Water Systems – Australia & New Zealand, our Team Sponsors Hach and Control Components Pty Ltd and our National Interest Day Partner ProMinent Group, who also provided raffle prizes to support the charity raffle.

2024 Team WIOA raises $1,212 for WaterAid’s Walks 4 Water in the first week of October

703 million people in the world – almost one in ten – do not have clean water close to home.

Every day, women and children walk long distances to collect and carry water for their families. Girls and boys often begin collecting water as children and girls continue to collect and carry water throughout their lives. Many girls spend hours each day collecting water, which can cause them to miss time at school. And not only that, sometimes the water they are forced to collect is dirty, carrying water borne diseases and leading to sickness in their community.

Team WIOA would like to personally thank Craig Hiddleston, Nicole Misurelli, Karen Sutherland, Gareth Williams, and all attendees and sponsors at our 2024 Queensland Charity Bowls Day in Yandina that supported us and WaterAid.

Thank you!