PASS Award

The PASS award is supported by AquaSafeSkills and provides the opportunity for water industry operational staff to share their in the field innovations and fixes to problems so that others in the water industry can benefit.

Apply here

Submissions close September 30th, 2025. The award will be judged by a WIOA selection committee at the 2025 QLD Conference in late October.

Complete application

About this award

  1. To create an opportunity that encourages water industry operational staff to share their “in the field innovations” and/or “fixes to problems” so that others in the water industry can benefit.
  2. To provide an application process that is easy to complete and utilises a standard template. This will give all water industry operational staff the same opportunity for presenting their innovation.
  3. To provide the opportunity for operational staff to receive recognition for their innovation and efforts.
  4. To encourage operational staff to become aware of and involved with the Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA).
  5. To allow WIOA to share the good ideas and innovations with other Members through the Operator magazine and/or other publications.

The PASS application Template can be downloaded from the WIOA website or can be obtained from the WIOA office. Applicants complete the Template and return it to the WIOA office either electronically or by mail after obtaining management permission to submit the PASS application. All PASS applications received in the 12 month period ending 1 March annually, will be judged by an independent judging panel as nominated by WIOA.

By submitting an application, PASS authors automatically grant WIOA permission to publish the application in the ‘Operator’ newsletter or another WIOA publication.

PASS applications will be reviewed by an independent judging panel as nominated by WIOA and assessed on a number of criteria, including:

  • Commonality of the problem
  • Benefit to OH&S, Water Quality, and the Environment
  • Financial and sustainability benefits
  • Application to other industries
  • Uniqueness, adaptability and simplicity


The person who submits the PASS application deemed to be the best in that particular year will be announced as the winner of the PASS Award.

Aqualift the PASS Award sponsor, will provide sponsorship for the winner to join the WIOA team on their annual operational tour of New Zealand including attendance at the Water Industry Operations Group of NZ annual conference. The tour and conference is normally held in early May annually.

The value of the prize is to a maximum of $2000. This sum will be paid to WIOA and WIOA will undertake all the necessary travel, accommodation and logistical arrangements on behalf of the PASS winner.

The winner will be responsible for obtaining the permission of their employer to attend the tour, will need to secure appropriate time off work, and will need a passport.

Previous Winners

Year Award winner Organisation
Wayne Neale
Barwon Water
Sean Doyle
Barwon Water
Matt Holz
Craig Woodhouse
Scott Kitwood
Gippsland Water
Toby Spark
Gippsland Water
Michael Cartmer, Quinton Caird, Martin Zardins, Stephen Casey & Michael Dixon
Power & Water
Marcus Boyd
Toowoomba Regional Council
Daren Lord
Scott Kitwood
Frank Rinaldo
North East Water
Lester Little


Annual Pass booklet

These booklets showcase annual solutions submitted by members for the National PASS Award.  These solutions are field innovations and fixes to problems that benefit the water industry.


2024 Problem Accepted Solution Supplied (PASS) Booklet

2023 Problem Accepted Solution Supplied (PASS) Booklet

2022 Problem Accepted Solution Supplied (PASS) Booklet

2021 Problem Accepted Solution Supplied (PASS) Booklet

2020 Problem Accepted Solution Supplied (PASS) Booklet

2019 Problem Accepted Solution Supplied (PASS) Booklet


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